Tag: <span>Modifying an Order</span>

How to Get Permission to Move Out of State With a Child Child Custody

How to Move Out of State with a Child

Moving to another state is a complicated and stressful endeavor, even in the best of circumstances. For divorced parents, however, this already intense process becomes another beast, altogether.  

While California doesn’t strictly prohibit parents from moving out of state, there are several extra steps you’ll need to take if you want your child to move with you.  

Here’s a closer look at how California courts handle parental relocation requests, and some of the extra boxes you’ll need to check, if you want to move out of state with your child. 


Step 1: Determine the Distance

First off, so long as your move is within a certain radius (and, presumably, you’re still in California), you’re probably okay to move around without having to worry about violating a custody order. 

For a lot of parents, this geographic restriction is fifty miles from the child’s home county. The boundaries can differ between cases, though, so it’s best to be certain before testing them out.

If your move is within the range specified in your divorce order, you do not need permission to change the child’s residence. Updating your address with both the court and your ex is essential, though, to make sure you don’t violate your visitation schedule, or miss important notices. 

If your proposed move is outside the radius, then prepare yourself for extra paperwork, and read on to step two…  


Step 2: Talk to Your Ex

For moves that break the geographic boundary, the next step to take is to have a chat with your child’s other parent—and yes, we understand that this is sometimes easier said than done. 

Still, parents can save a lot of time and money by working things out between themselves, instead of rushing back to court. You may not be able to solve everything with one phone call, but even a quick game of mediation is better than a full court battle, especially since judges are almost always willing to sign off on an agreement that you reach together.

Keep in mind, that even if you agree, your changes still need judicial authorization, before the new arrangement is enforceable.


Step 3: Consider Your Custody Order

Assuming you and your ex can’t agree (and you still want to move), step three is to evaluate your current custody order. 

In California, judges assign custody by giving rights to one parent, alone (sole custody), or as shared power to both (joint custody). While you’re reviewing which type applies to your situation, be sure to double check which parent is the primary custodian (or, in other words: who your child lives with most of the time).

More likely than not you’re already intimately familiar with this information (after all, it’s kind of hard to miss a child jumping up and down on your couch every day). Still, it’s a good idea to review, since custody arrangements directly determine which step you take next.  


Step 4: Sole Custodians File Written Notice

A parent with sole custody has what courts call a “presumptive right” to move their child out of state. This is basically just a fancy way of saying “the benefit of the doubt to make all decisions.” 

Despite this generous presumption, parents with sole custody still need to file written notice of their intentions, before they move. This notice must be given at least forty-five days before relocation, to give the child’s other parent a chance to voice objections, and to revise visitation schedules, if necessary. 


A Non-Custodial Parent Can Challenge Custody

If you are a non-custodial parent—and are adamantly opposed to the move—you can do more than just object. Instead, you may request the court reevaluate your custody agreement. This is called custody modification.

In a custody modification case, the non-custodial parent challenger carries the burden of proof. This means that it’s your responsibility to show adequate proof that the arrangement isn’t in your child’s best interest, and that the court should reassign custody to you.

However, considering that a prior court already awarded your ex sole custody, this is a difficult standard to meet. Most custody challenges are not granted, and non-custodial parents should discuss legal strategies with an attorney before pursuing this expensive endeavor. 


Step 4: Joint Custodians File for a “Move-Away” Order

California courts typically consider co-parenting arrangements to be “joint” whenever the non-custodial parent spends at least 45% of the time or more with their child. Where it’s less than 30%, the primary custodian is presumed to have sole custody. 

If you and your spouse share joint custody, you will need to do more than just submit written notice. Instead, you will need to request a formal “move-away” order with the court—and this is true, even if you are the child’s primary residence.  

But how does a move-away order differ from written notice? We’re glad you asked. 


The Custody Reset Button

The best way to think about a “move-away” order, is to view it as a reset button. 

If the court grants your request, this decision ripples down, affecting all aspects of your custody agreement. Hence, in a move-away situation you can’t simply redraw geographic boundaries. You have to reset the terms of your entire custody order. 

This clean slate situation is riskier than you might think, because it essentially starts your custody negotiations over from scratch. It allows a judge to reevaluate your parenting abilities, and redistribute parental powers. 

In other words: it might not go the way you want it to.

After evaluating the facts, a judge can just as easily decide to give the child’s other parent primary custody, as they can grant your move-away request. So it’s important to have strong, compelling arguments before bringing this type of petition to the court.


Step 5: Attend Your Hearing

The final step to moving out of state with your child is to attend a hearing, where your judge will evaluate all the evidence.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a formula for how courts deny and grant relocation requests. Instead, your judge will make the decision by weighing factors in your unique situation, which will likely include:  

  • The reason for your move;  
  • How far it is to the new location; 
  • Your child’s relationship with both parents; 
  • The parents’ relationship with each other; 
  • What kind of burden the move would place on visitation rights;  
  • The child’s need for stability; 
  • The child’s emotional, educational, and medical needs; 
  • If there’s a support system in the new location; 
  • Whether there’s extended family in the new location; and, 
  • Any other benefits the child would receive by moving (such as the security of a parent’s increased income). 

This list isn’t exhaustive, and judges are free to include any relevant factors when deciding which course of action is in your child’s best interest. 

At the end of your hearing, your judge will either accept or deny your request. If denied, you can probably still move, however, you’ll likely have to do it without your child (thereby giving up primary custody). If approved, the terms of your new custody agreement will be finalized into order, which you will file with your county clerk.  


Parental Relocation Attorneys in California

If you have more questions about how you can move out of state with your child, we want to hear from you. Call the Maples Family Law team at (209) 989-4425, or get in touch online, and let help you move out of state with your child. 

Reasons to Modify Child Custody Child Custody

Reasons to Modify Child Custody

If you’re a parent whose custody agreement isn’t working out, you probably already know that you have to have valid reasons to modify child custody… but what are those reasons, and what can you do if one of them applies?

Reasons to Modify Child Custody: The Basics

The court won’t grant your request to modify child custody if you can’t provide a valid reason for doing it. Typically, the courts favor an existing custody agreement over making changes – unless, of course, there’s been a significant change in your (or the other parent’s) circumstances.

Either parent can file a motion to modify child custody. The catch: The person filing for the change will have to show the court why it’s in the child’s best interest.

5 Common Reasons to Modify Child Custody

There are several reasons parents give for asking to modify an existing custody agreement. Some of the most common include when one parent:

  1. Needs to relocate because of work or personal reasons
  2. Is exercising religious practices that are harming the child
  3. Has put the child in a dangerous environment
  4. Is preventing the other parent from seeing the child
  5. Has failed or is failing to properly care for the child

Let’s take a closer look at each – and remember, these aren’t the only reasons a court can modify custody. There are dozens more, and every case is different.

Related: Grounds for full custody of a child

Reasons to Modify Child Custody in California#1. Relocation

When a mom or dad needs to relocate – whether it’s for work or personal reasons – the parents may need to change the entire custody agreement. For example, if the child spends every other weekend with one parent, but that parent is moving out of state, it would be unreasonable to expect the custodial parent to make travel arrangements that frequently. It would probably be pretty hard on the child, too, depending on how far away the other parent was moving.

Related: How to create joint custody schedules (with examples)

#2. Harmful Religious Practices

A judge won’t change custody because of one parent’s religion unless there’s proof of harm to the child. Dress codes, dietary restrictions and other activity restrictions aren’t usually big enough reasons to modify child custody. However, if there is proof of harm to the child – such as abuse or other issues – or when one parent threatens to take the child away to practice a particular religion (it happened in New York), the court may find that a change is in order.

Related: Why most parents get joint custody in California

#3. Putting the Child in a Dangerous Environment

If one parent puts the child in a dangerous environment – such as taking the child along to buy drugs or has an unsanitary and dangerous home (like in the case of hoarding) – the other parent may be able to ask the court to modify custody. There are several places and circumstances that can create a dangerous environment for kids. If you’re not sure whether something qualifies, talk to your Stockton custody lawyer about the situation. She’ll be able to help you sort things out.

Reasons to Modify Child Custody#4. Preventing the Other Parent From Seeing the Child

If there’s a custody order in place, both parents are supposed to stick to it – it’s an official court order. However, when one parent prevents the other from seeing or spending time with the child, a modification might be necessary. This is extremely serious, and it’s harmful to the child (and everyone else involved). If this is going on in your situation, talk to an attorney about what you can do to help salvage your relationship with your child. You may also want to talk to a therapist with your child.

Related: What does “best interests of the child” mean in California?

#5. Failure to Properly Care for the Child

Every parent has a responsibility to care for his or her children. When one parent fails at that responsibility, such as by failing to provide adequate food, shelter and clothing – or when the parent fails to emotionally care for the child – you may have a reason to modify child custody.

The bottom line, though, is that the parent asking for the modification has to show that there are significant changes that make the change necessary. You’ll have to provide the court with proof in order for the judge to consider your request.

Do You Need to Talk to a Lawyer About Your Reasons to Modify Child Custody?

If you need to discuss your situation with an attorney and find out what your options are as far as changing your custody agreement, we may be able to help you. Call us at 209-546-6870 to schedule a consultation with a caring, compassionate and knowledgeable Stockton divorce attorney now. We can also help you with issues related to parentage and child custody, spousal support and other divorce issues.


Modify Child Support - Stockton Child Support Questions Child Support

How to Modify Child Support in California

If you’re a divorcing parent in Stockton or elsewhere in San Joaquin County, you probably have questions about child support laws in California – and that’s perfectly normal. Child support is important to get right the first time, though – because although you can modify child support in California, it requires you to go back to court.

Modify Child Support? Here’s Why Some People Need To

In the vast majority of child support cases, parents need to modify terms because of a significant change in circumstances. However, sometimes parents modify child support because the judge in their case ordered an amount that fell below the guideline amount.

Those are the only two instances in which you can go to court to modify child support.

So what’s a significant change in circumstances? When one (or both) parents:

  • Has had a change in income
  • Has lost a job
  • Has been incarcerated (although there are special circumstances that apply in this case)
  • Had another child from another relationship

Other reasons parents may seek to modify child support include a big change in the parenting time agreement or in the child’s needs as far as child care, healthcare or education. Additionally, if there are changes in any of the factors the courts used to initially calculate the amount of child support, you can ask the court to modify the order.

How to Modify Child Support

If you and your ex-spouse can agree on the modification amount, then you can write it up as a “stipulation” and give it to the judge. If the judge agrees with what you’ve come up with, he or she will sign it and it’ll become a new order.

However, if you and your ex-spouse cannot agree, you’ll have to petition the court to ask for the change. If that happens, the court will evaluate your request and you’ll have to show that there’s a good reason you want to modify your child support order.

Working With Your Lawyer to Modify Child Support

For most people, the best idea is to work with a Stockton child support lawyer to make modifications to an existing child support agreement. Your lawyer will need to know what kind of significant change there’s been since the original order was entered, so if you or your ex-spouse has lost a job, had a large change in income, or has had a child from another relationship, explain the situation to your attorney. She’ll file the appropriate paperwork with the court, and she’ll ask you for documentation that backs up your claim – the judge in your case may need to see it.

Do You Need to Talk to a Stockton Divorce Attorney?

If you need to talk to a lawyer about your divorce, child support or child custody, we may be able to help you.

Call us at 209-910-9865 or get in touch with a Stockton divorce attorney online to schedule a consultation today. We’ll discuss your case, find out about your circumstances and start formulating a plan that gets you and your children the best possible outcome.

Anna Y. Maples Maples Family Law
